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Thursday, May 5, 2011

Photo Sneak Peek

Taking a break from the website work to share a photo from one of my latest shoots.  That's right, just one.  Maybe I'm being much too picky but it's taking me forever to get my photos web ready and to a place where I like them enough to put them up on the site.  This photo I love.  I'd arrived at my client's house on a bright and sunny day.  I've done multiple shoots with them and I know the layout of the house.  The only space with clear access and good light is the front end of the living room which has a huge window....that faces South.  This particular day had decided to be bright and sunny, exactly what I didn't need for the shots I was trying to get.  I'd been shooting with my back to the window and avoiding all the direct sun as much as I could.  When we took a short break,  I walked around to the other side of the chair my client was sitting in and thought; "I wonder if I could make this angle work?".  I asked to turn it all around so I could shoot into the window and that's when I got this shot.  Not something I'd ever thought of doing and yet it's my favourite image of the whole day.


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