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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Baptsim Shoot - Mississauga

The day threatened to be dark and rainy and I was pretty sure it was going to be a wash out when we arrived at the church in the midst of a spring deluge.  Halfway through the ceremony the clouds parted and bright sunlight filled the church and not a single drop of rain was seen the rest of the day.  It was my first Baptism and I learned a very important lesson.  Babies are much harder to shoot for formal portraits than adults and children.  I shoot infants all the time but in a more relaxed and quiet setting.  When you add seventy-five extra people, tons of visual distractions and a day that follows a somewhat strict schedule rather than following the flow of the baby's natural rhythm it's a whole different story.  I shot so many more frames simply because it took that many more to get every group shot.  Getting every member of an adult group looking at the camera, not blinking and smiling is one thing but add an infant who may be tired, hungry, cranky or just plain distracted is simply that much more difficult.  Overall the day went great, the weather turned out to be perfect and everyone had a good time celebrating.

To see more images from this event please click here to view the slideshow.

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