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Welcome. I'm a Hamilton, Ontario based photographer specializing in classic and personalB&W portraiture. Have a look around, comment, connect and check back often. Thanks for visiting!

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Saturday, September 22, 2012

First Wedding - 12.06.23

This year has been one of many firsts, including photographing my first wedding.  I only met the Bride and Groom the morning of their wedding and I have to say that they were an amazing couple.  So easygoing, so happy and so fun to photograph.  I'm so grateful that they allowed me to share their special day with them and capture some beautiful moments that I hope they will treasure always.

I'm going completely out of order here and posting things from all over the summer.  This shoot is from June, hard to believe how long ago that was.  The summer went by so fast I could barely keep up.  I was certainly unprepared for how time intensive weddings were both before during and after the big day and I'm only now getting to posting about some of my experiences over the last few months.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Maternity Shoot

Hard to believe that baby number two is arriving in the next couple of weeks for this family.  I can remember the very first infant shoot we did for big sister and that seems like yesterday.  Sometimes time seems to drag on and on and then sometimes it passes by so quickly I don't know what the heck happened. 

I'm so grateful to this mom for allowing me to shoot her with her belly bared.  I know how vulnerable it can feel to be photographed while pregnant.  I had pregnancy photos done of myself shortly before my daughter was born and I'm so glad I did.  I think that the images from this shoot are beautiful, timeless and I'm so proud to share them with you.  Enjoy...