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Welcome. I'm a Hamilton, Ontario based photographer specializing in classic and personalB&W portraiture. Have a look around, comment, connect and check back often. Thanks for visiting!

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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

We're UK Bound!

This is the news I've been dying to share...we're heading to England February 13th to 22nd.  Yay!  It's been three years since I was on British soil and this trip is long overdue.  There are so many people I can't wait to catch up with, places to visit and re-visit, images for my personal portfolio that I've been hoping to re-shoot and specialty food items I can't wait to taste again.  My daughter and I spent four and a half wonderful years living in England and the people and places there will always hold a special place in our hearts.  Now, for ten short days, we get to re-experience everything we've been missing.  To make things more interesting, I'm going to be shooting some family portraits during our stay as well.  I hope the weather smiles upon us and gives us a chance to shoot out in the lush, verdant landscapes I remember so vividly.  I'm excited for the chance to meet some new people and capture some lasting memories; all while making new memories of our own.  Bring on the British!


Sunday, January 22, 2012

Meeting a Photography Inspiration

I recently had the honour of meeting a wonderful photographer named Tonia Lariviere of Delicate Impressions Photography.  Tonia specializes in Infant, Maternity and Wedding photography and  I have been following her blog for over six months.  I always look forward to seeing what new fresh and fun ideas she's going to come up with.  It's important for me to be able to meet people who are not only successful but also love what they do.  Tonia has both of those qualities and she's also an incredibly positive, kind and giving individual.  She was gracious enough to allow me into her office and studio and though I monopolized her time for almost an entire morning she didn't even bat an eyelash.  I also got to meet Tonia's husband and he was just as open, friendly and and genuine as she is.  I picked up some amazing insights, tricks of the trade and a fresh view on the business of portrait photography.  Many thanks go out for such a wonderful morning.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

Goodbye to 2011 and welcome 2012!  It's hard to believe the first twelve months of business have already passed but I'm thrilled to see what the new year has in store.  I have some exciting, new and interesting projects in the works that I can't wait to share.  I look forward to learning, growing and helping to capture beautiful memories with some wonderful people in the next twelve months.  For now, here's a quick look back at a few of the people I've had the pleasure of working with in 2011...